Dr Edward Graham, Hip & Knee Surgeon Sydney

Patient Journey

Consultations and surgeries are provided with a friendly, realistic and honest approach in regards to surgical options and expected outcomes.

Dr Graham will endeavour with every patient to:
  • Perform an in depth initial consultation to discuss their health issues; 
  • Review previous x-rays and scans, or 
  • Arrange appropriate investigations in order to establish a diagnosis.  

Choices explained

Treatment options will be explained to patients, including surgical and non-surgical methods, if appropriate.

Preparation for surgery

Private Hospitals:

Each hospital has slightly different instructions; however there are instructions which guide you through each step at the beginning of your admission booklet (these instructions) can also be downloaded online via the hospital website.

Public Hospitals:

A basic list of instructions is given to you on the day of your surgery is first arranged by my Secretary. However; each individual public hospital later mails out guidelines for you to follow when a date for surgery has been arranged.

If at any time during the admission process you require assistance please contact the appropriate hospital or phone our office to speak to my Practice Manager.

The Process

  • Dependant on your procedure the surgery takes 1-2 hours.
  • Hospital stay is either day stay or around 3-4 days.
To increase recovery time most surgeons recommend that you get mobile as soon as possible after surgery. You should regain most normal activity including return to work and driving 6-8 weeks.

Stages of Rehab

Surgery Care

  • Local anesthetic administered during surgery in the leg makes leg numb - wears off after a few hours.
  • Intermittent compression therapy to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
  • Continuous passive movement (CPM) to keep the new joint articulated.
  • Physical therapy guidance on daily exercises to build up muscle strength.

Post Surgery Care

  • Physiotherapy is crucial to recovery! Continue daily prescribed exercise for two months or more...
  • Build up to normal mobility with the aid of crutches/sticks... no carrying heavy items/lifting.
  • Wear compression stockings for first few weeks.
  • When sitting keep leg raised and knee supported to reduce swelling.

Out-Patient Care

  • Stitches removed 10-14 days
  • Follow-up usually at 4 weeks and 8 weeks

Pain Relief

Normally over the counter medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen should be enough to curb pain after surgery. Surgeon may prescribe something stronger only if needed.
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