Dr Edward Graham, Hip & Knee Surgeon Sydney

Robotic Knee Surgery

Why Consider Robotic Knee Surgery?

The advantages of Robotic Navigation for Knee Replacement surgery are significant. Using Computer or Robotic Navigation offers the following functional benefits:
  • Better planning and modelling of your knee’s unique structure that enables a higher level of joint alignment accuracy.
  • A more precise fit, which optimises both a greater range of motion and improved stability
  • The custom fit allows your new implant to last longer with a reduced risk of dislocation.
Further, during the procedure the patient has:
  • Less blood loss
  • Faster recovery
  • Shorter post op rehabilitation, and
  • Less scarring

Indications for Robotic Knee Surgery

The knee is a ball and socket joint made up of the femur (thigh bone), the tibia (shin bone), and patella(kneecap).

The smooth movement of the knee is facilitated by the spongy cartilage tissue that lines the articular surfaces (ball-shaped head with the socket-shaped acetabulum), this meniscus or soft cartilage between the femur and tibia, serves to cushion the knee and helps it absorb shock during motion.

This joint is further stabilized ligaments, other soft tissues and muscles. Many injuries and diseases to the knee can cause pain and disability and may require surgery.

With precision being a major requirement to regain the smooth movement as close to the normal knee as possible, Dr Graham may suggest robotic knee surgery to treat your damaged knee. 

Are you a candidate for Robotic Knee Surgery?

You may be a candidate for robotic knee surgery if:
  • Conservative knee treatments do not provide relief
  • Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Post-traumatic arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Avascular necrosis (AVN)

Treatment Process

Preparation for Surgery

  • Provide a complete list of your medications so you can be advises which to stopped prior to surgery,
  • Treat any tooth, gum, bladder or bowel problems before surgery to reduce the risk of infection
  • Stop anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) at least seven days before the procedure.
  • Stop or cut down smoking to reduce your surgery risks and improve your recovery
  • Consider losing weight (if overweight) before surgery

Day of Surgery

  • Report any infections to me prior to surgery as the procedure cannot be performed until all infections have cleared up.
  • Do not consume alcohol - 24 hours prior to treatment,
  • Do not eat or drink anything, including water, for 6 hours before surgery
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity or exercise 24 hours prior to surgery,

During Surgery

  • Administration of general anesthesia or sedation and local anesthesia
  • The entire procedure can take 60 minutes to two hours.
  • Procedure is performed and sent to recovery room, for observation
  • Pain medications are prescribed to help with pain during the recovery phase. 

After Surgery

  • Do not consume large amounts of alcohol after surgery,
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity or exercise until advised,
  • Follow the Post Surgery Treatment Plan proscribed by the surgeon and post op care specialists.
  • Any questions or complications should be communicated directly to the surgeon
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