Dr Edward Graham, Hip & Knee Surgeon Sydney

Your First Visit

What can I expect at my first consultation?

Booking your first visit

To book an initial consultation please:


  • Phone our rooms on (02) 8859 9444
  • Fax a referral to (02) 9635 9224
  • Email a referral to admin@dredwardgraham.com


Dr Edward Graham sees patients covered by private health insurance, public patients, DVA, self-insurance, Workers’ Compensation and Third Party claims.

Workers' Compensation and Third Party referrals are assessed before appointments are offered.

Dr Edward Graham does not usually provide opinions in public liability cases or undertake Permanent Impairment Assessments.


Preparing for your first visit 

Please remember to bring:


  • a current referral (if already sent please call the office prior to appt to confirm it arrived)
  • Medicare or DVA  card
  • private hospital insurance details
  • a list of medications and allergies
  • all relevant X-rays and scans with reports


Dr Edward Graham can access some images electronically but needs to know where they were performed. However he does prefer a hard copy of images.

Wear loose pants or other clothing that allow full viewing of the area of concern. Very tight pants and long stockings are not recommended.

Please allow enough time to find a car-park and arrive at the clinic 10 minutes early for completion of paperwork.

Dr Edward Graham tries to see people on time but short delays can occur. Magazines and a television are freely available.

Our practice is strictly non-smoking.

During your first visit

You will be greeted upon arrival at reception and be asked to complete a patient information form (unless already done).

Dr Edward Graham will personally bring you into the consultation room. Average initial consultation time is 15-20 minutes.

A complete relevant history will be taken and a clinical examination performed. This should not be painful.

Your investigations (x-ray, scans, etc) will be shown to you and the findings explained.

A diagnosis and management plan are usually able to be decided on during this first visit. Available non-surgical and surgical treatments are discussed.

Outcomes of this first visit can include:
  • planned follow-up
  • further investigations
  • referral for non-surgical treatment
  • booking surgery
  • letter of correspondence to your GP will be arranged after your visit.
Our aim is to provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about managing your health.

Please ask questions and express any specific concerns or fears you may have regarding your condition or treatment.

After your first visit

Dr Edward Graham always sends a detailed letter outlining the consultation to your referring doctor.

Please advise if you are happy for copies to also go to your allied health professionals (physiotherapists, podiatrist). 

We take the privacy of your medical information very seriously.

If you have a question about the consultation or planned treatment, please call or email. This is really important and always promptly answered.

Can I bring a friend or family member?

Dr Edward Graham encourages a friend or family member to accompany you to your initial consultation.

Limited seating is available in the practice waiting room and Dr Edward Graham's consulting room.

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