Dr Edward Graham, Hip & Knee Surgeon Sydney

Post Surgery Information

A woman is smiling and touching her face with her hand.

How to have a great recovery from Oral Surgical Procedures?

It is important to rest from activity and keep your head elevated for the first two (2) days after surgery as this will reduce your swelling, pain, bleeding and potential for further complications.

Post Operative Pain Management

This is a normal response by the body to any form of surgery. 

The pain response is variable and is normal for pain to increase over the first 2-3 days after surgery before reducing in intensity. 

To minimise your pain response please commence the medications prescribed for pain relief as soon as you notice pain commencing. It is easier to control pain from its start than to wait for it to become unbearable especially in the first 2-3 days after surgery. 
Manage Bleeding: 
Blood-tinged saliva is normal for 7-10 days after surgery, especially after rinsing the mouth after food/drink has been consumed. If bleeding is constant, fold the cotton gauze squares provided in half and then roll up and place on the bleeding area. Gently bite or hold down on the cotton gauze for 20 minutes. 

If placed correctly this will quickly arrest the bleeding. If the bleeding doesn’t cease contact us in business hours to the practice or after hours to your surgeon or seek emergency review at your nearest health service. 
Oral Surgery Instructions
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