The personal health information that you provide during your consultation and subsequent treatment will be used for the purposes of providing you with high quality health care. Our policy is to protect your privacy and accordingly the information you provide will only be disclosed to other members of your medical treatment team where necessary. It will also be disclosed to other organisations where required by law or where required for billing or debt recovery purposes.
A copy of our full Patient Privacy Policy is available on our website. If you have any concerns about the way we manage your health information, please let us know. In the first instance this can be done by contacting our practice.
If you are still dissatisfied, you can contact the Federal Privacy Commissioner at: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), GPO BOX 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Privacy Hotline: 1300 363 922, Website: This Privacy Policy may be reviewed or amended from time to time. You can access the most up to date copy of this policy by visiting our website (
website link here).
How can you contact Dr Edward Graham?
The contact details are:
Mail and Street Address:
Westmead Specialist Centre,
Suite 1, Level 1, 16-18 Mons Road
Westmead , NSW, 2145
T: (02) 8859 9444
This Privacy Policy was last updated in December 2019 and will be reviewed from time to time to take account of new laws and/or changes to our operations. Any information we hold about you will be governed by our current policy. We recommend that you periodically review this policy for any changes.